Tuesday, 26 August 2008



This is gonna be a good party. Cake seems to be on everybodies mind, all the people i ask are saying "will there be cake" of course there will be cake, well at least i have ordered it and the supply is very reliable, the question is the size, how many pieces of cake do i need? e-mail me to let me know your'e coming iwish@thewishingtree.biz
and i will make sure and save you a bit. You could get a link from the website too www.thewishingtree.biz

I have ordered 100 turquoise helium ballons, so there will be a sea of blue on the ceiling in the shop all day, that has to worth a picture in the EDP i am sure. If anybody at the EDP reads this blog then maybe they will be coming along and do a bit of a report about a new business not only surviving but thriving during the credit crunch.

Another idea was a candle lit pavement outside the shop. We are gonna be open until 10pm so it may give it a nice atmosphere as long as it isn't raining. What we need is that Indian Summer.

So it's the 11th Sept at The Wishing Tree in Long Stratton Norfolk on the A140 shop open until 10pm for fun and promotions to celebrate our Birthday

see ya there

Friday, 15 August 2008


This is just a quick blog about getting your business noticed out there in the big wide world.

It is so easy to spend loads of cash on advertising and then not really know if you have gained any new customers from your investment.

We find that being on the main road A140 in Long Stratton in Norfolk is the best advertising we can get and it is of course free. So if you are passing our shop and like what you see there give us a blast on the horn to say hi and if you get a chance to stop and say hi even better still.

The Wishing Tree is very pleased to welcome all new customers and we would like to find out how you found out about us so let us know by e-mailing wishtree@hotmail.co.uk or visiting the website and telling us through there http://www.thewishingtree.biz/ or just phone 01508 536008

and have a chat

great fun and free advertising to all out there


Wednesday, 6 August 2008




I have pleasure in announcing the first birthday of THE WISHING TREE. To all those who are familliar with what we are all about, i hope you will join me in the party week, starting 6th September 2008 to celebrate 1 year of trading at The Street Long Stratton in Norfolk.

To all who are not familliar, I would encourage you to come along and let us introduce you to all the wonderful things we have to offer.

There will be lots of special things happening during this week beginning 6th Sept and on the 11th we will be having an all day party in the shop and staying open until 10 oclock in the evening.

I will be announcing all the plans nearer the time so you will need to watch this blogspot for a bit more info and make sure you don't miss out.

I can reveal that there will be a birthday cake and lots of special offers over the period of the week, i am looking for my customers to come up with a few ideas as to what they would like to see as part of the week so if you can let me know wishtree@hotmail.co.uk or call the shop

01508 536008 is the number to dial.

i want to make this a week to remember so get involved and be part of the action if you can.

look forward to hearing from you all soon


The Wishing Tree