Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Whose idea was it anyway??

Before you ask, I put the giraffe picture in cos I liked it, and a lot of people refer to us as "the giraffe shop", this is really all about clocks, hence the clock picture. So...... whose idea was it to keep moving the clocks backwards and forwards? You can bet it was someone who didn't have Kids and someone who didn't have a job.
How are we all coping with it this time? I have a few friends on Facebook who have made comments about not being able to get the kids to bed and then not being able to get them up in the morning, yes I am one of those Mothers, ranting and raving......
but there is an up-side, lighter nights of course and......well that appears to be it. Ha, so we suffer sleep disturbance to be able to keep the curtains open longer and see the rotten English weather, what a great idea?
Shall I stop moaning, or have you already stopped reading? On the subject of clocks, we have some quirky little time tellers in stock at the moment, anyone like pigs or cats? Catseye, London, the suppliers of these, have a huge range of things we could all probably live without, but don't want to, and I am gradually adding the range to the shop and the website. We mostly have a clock in every room, this obsessional need to know what the time is. I used to stock a range of wine label clocks but the supply dried up. So having now found another supplier, there will be more in after Easter, by that time we should have adjusted to the hour change at least.
Well, time I got on with some serious work I guess, so toodle pip for now,
Love and Light

Monday, 9 March 2009

Putting it all into little boxes

Is it Human Nature or something?
I have spent a large part of weekend sorting out the kids toys and putting them into little boxes, for whatever reason, I am sure they would have prefered them all over the floor, especially the teeny bits of lego, don't you just love the way they hide in the pile of the carpet, waiting to strike as you walk barefoot across the room.
Our lives are so dominated by boxes, don't you think?? Well, most of us live in one, divided into smaller ones, we do, yeh??
I love my living box, I feel safe there and it keeps all my finest things together, my family....
So is it any wonder we use boxes to do just that, in oh so many ways, taking for granted, that what is in them, will be safe and protected. We also put our friends and aquaintences into boxes, imaginary ones of course, friends, panic not!!!
Boxes on my Facebook page take a look and see how we organise eachother, it's wickedly amusing, well I think so, put me in the box for "random" !
If you like my way of thinking add me as a friend.
Boxes.....Boxes.... filled with precious goodies, what would you wish for then? are you one of those who thinks the smaller the box the bigger the surprise? I hope your'e right.
Make a wish, and put all those wishes in a box, keep them safe xx

Making wishes come true
The Wishing Tree
01508 536008

Love and Light