PARTY PLAN OR PLANNING A PARTYThe whole idea is to have fun of course so invite all the people you like and make sure that FUN is first on the adgenda.With our Wishing Tree Parties we put our hostesses in the party mood by arriving with a free gift. Like you we want the party to be a success. Once the stock is unloaded and set out ready for the guests, it is a special touch to have a chat and a preview with the hostess, if we know what the hostess has her eye on from the start we can help her to reach maximum commission levels to get the item she would like. So if you are set on being the owner of a gorgeousa Amber necklace then we need to work together to get the £30 commission you need.Once the wine is flowing and the nibbles passed round the fun begins with trying on jewellery and clothes, comparing notes over giraffes and elephants, choosing between cats and mice.There are always presents to find for some relative or another and missed birthdays and new babies presents. The Wishing Tree has the answers to all those problems.The party in full swing the wine is taking effect and the guests have shopped till the dropped. Your commission levels have reached their desired target and the necklace can be flaunted with pride.You will have had so much fun and got lots of new things and all for a song, booking another party to do it all again is a must and your best friend is having one too, more bargins and more freebies from your favorite gift shop in NorfolkAnd all in your house with your friends.FUN FUN FUN
You can contact Olivia to talk about having a party by phoning the shop
01508 536008
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