The cake has arrived as you see, it was made by Cheryl, who makes wonderful cakes in all shapes and sizes for all occasions. If you wish for one of Cheryl's cakes you can contact her through my website and mark
the e-mail as re-cake and i will forward your request. We are all looking forward to cutting it later on.
The shop has been buzzing this morning and lots of balloons have been launched, we are having some more delivered this afternoon so come in and get yours, the race is on.
We are also doing a free raffle for customers, so leave us your e-mail address and we will put you in the draw to win loads of great prizes.
Helen and I worked real hard this week to get the shop looking great look at these pictures and see just how good it looks. New stock in too, loads of new Viva Beads in the shop will be on the website next week.
Also see the willow tree figureines and let us know if you have a special request as a new order is being put together next week for delivery around the end of September. We will be ordering picture frames and plaques etc for christmas pressie ideas.
Hi Olivia looked like a gr8 day
see your using thepoer of the blog keep up the good work.
All the best Mick xx
Hi Olivia your starting to give me a run for my money on the blogging front. Might get some choclate scented bunnies off you nearer crimble.
Anyways take care mick
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