Thought i would share the seasonal Norfolk snow with you all. As i have many visitors and friends in far off places, I thought some seasonal weather would be good. The Wishing Tree has been quiet today, and i think many people have braved the elemements and gone into the city to shop, I think they are now wishing they hadn't, as reports of overflowing carparks and queues at checkouts fill me with woe.
So, has anybody ever seen a pair of kissing giraffes in the snow??
these little darlings come in 2 sizes and are priced at £15 and £12 so if you know anyone who needs one of these for christmas, give me a phone 01508 536008 or visit the website for more gorgeous gifts. or e-mail for other giraffe options
Well I'm off home in a bit before the roads get too bad, hope you all get a bit of snow soon,
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