As we are well known for our Giraffes, of all shapes and sizes I thought you may appreciate a giraffe greeting.
It has been a pleasure this year, welcoming so many new customers through the doors of The Wishing Tree in Long Stratton, Norfolk. Also, as we have developed the website it has been great to make wishes come true for so many customers from further afield, watch out for more improvements on our website in the new year. We hope everyone has enjoyed visiting us, as much as we have enjoyed creating the displays of wonderful things in the shop. We like to think we make your visits fun and interesting. In the new year we are going to give the shop a bit of a make-over, so keep coming in to see how it's all going. New and exiting stock to see as well as a few more of our theme nights and party nights for you too. We have hosted some great parties in the shop this year and hostesses have enjoyed spending their comission on lots of yummy goodies.
So that just leaves me the pleasure of thanking you all for supporting us and we hope to see you all in the new year for the January Sale which starts on Friday
2nd January.
Merry Christmas once again
Love and Light
Olivia and Helen
01508 536008
The Wishing Tree