It is such a pleasure to receive a small gift. And an even greater pleasure to give one. So affordable and such a diverse choice is available, almost everyone can be included. Yes we are talking about Signs and Fridge Magnets, cheeky, funny, naughty, deep and meaningful, tear-jerking sometimes, but always thought provoking.
They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, made from various materials too. Perfect for posting, slot them into a card for an extra birthday gift, or just send them to remind distant friends that you are thinking of them.
No sarky remarks, I hear you thinking……. you are used to me being a bit more nippy than this….Ha ha.. saving it till the end….or maybe the middle. Lots of these signs, magnets, etc are for a bit of a laugh, to raise a smile, for god sake be honest, we all need it these days hey….. The kids are taking us for a ride…”Taxi” i hear you say, get them back every time they go to the fridge for a snack, and remind them that you know who’s taking who for a ride…. Most of my Blog posts have a cat in somewhere, yep… even the cat has it’s own set of fridge magnets to remind us how important they are, yeh right!!! This has to be my all time favorite, mostly bought for men and boys, i hasten to add our best seller by far, slightly bigger and not quite the thing to pop in an envelope but as blunt as can be…..love it….. Laundry….
So if your Young, Old, Skinny, Cuddly, Addicted to Shopping, A hopeless cook…..get into the swing of making it public, SHOUT IT OUT from the fridge or wherever. Loads available you’ll be spoilt for choice.
In fact we like them so much we give them away free sometimes, if you spend over £20 on our website you get a free gift, we have some magnets to give away, so take a peek at the rest of The Wishing Tree Shop and get your FREE GIFT now. I can’t promise not to be cheeky in my selection mind you….!!
This Blog was constructed during major interuption from 3 little kidletts, so if it is disjointed and rather random I do appologise, just adds to the quirky style my readers are used to. Remember during school holidays us working mum’s still work, adapt to the surroundings and get on with it. Many of you will be familliar with this I’m sure, I feel privilaged to have my cake and eat it.
Signing off to get the dinner ready now, I have this magnet on my fridge. It suits me.
Love to All
Always available for a face to face chat in The Shop
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