Hi, I am Joy Peters, the crafter behind The Perfect Little Purse Company.
I have always loved to craft in so many ways ever since I was a child. I grew up with an expert sewer for a mother and it seems to have rubbed off and now it is my most favourite thing. I have been making bags/purses for about 3 years now and started selling on the internet and now, to my delight, in `The Wishing Tree’
What first made me want to start making handbags?
I had a dream about loads of different handbags. All of them black but every single design possible and I just thought I should be making bags! It sounds so cheesy but it really is true. I set about finding out how they were actually constructed and the first ones were quite ambitious beaded frame purses. These are tricky and quite time consuming. After that I found many more techniques and have got to the point now where most of my designs are my own. I do buy the odd must have pattern if I am allowed to sell the finished product. From time to time I make other things such as Christmas stockings and other decorations at seasonal times. Currently I am making little knitted animals (see blog for details). I do like to vary my work to keep me sharp. Who knows, maybe some knitted bags may roll out next. Watch this space.
What is your design process?
I am often asked how I go about designing a bag. Usually, it all starts with the fabric. I will see some I ‘have to have” and then set about finding a co-ordinate for the lining. This normally leads to several more. Once it all arrives I will decide which fabrics lend themselves to which designs I do. Sometimes they lead to new ones. Sometimes I design around new handles. Its mostly all about the fabric. My not so secret obsession.
The interesting stuff is that which I make to order. I really enjoy the custom work. Folk come to me with their own ideas and themes that I may not have ever thought of. Transforming someone else’s ideas is exciting as you never know where it will take you. Lots of my past works can be seen on my flickr page at
and may give you some inspiration for your next new bag. All can be arranged through The Wishing Tree or e-mail me direct.
I also write a blog from time to time and this can be found at http://perfectlittlepurses.blogspot.com/.
Unique Handmade Bags at
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